folks this is wesley billion billion

billion dollar virgin guess what

listen i want you to imagine taking a

Spotify Site Link

pair of headphones like this look

and put them in your ears and listening

to music and getting paid 12

this is seriously 12 every single song

that you listen to listen

like imagine just waking up in the

morning and actually listening to music

and getting paid in the process think

about how many songs that you've

listened to

right now in the past five to ten years

you've made zero dollars playlist push

dot com go there right now playlist now listen

maybe you've seen this site before or

maybe you haven't but please pay

attention many people they do this wrong

i've seen a couple of videos on youtube

of people showing this site here and

many people are getting declined you

know it's not working for them

because they're not paying attention and

i'm not giving you the secrets that i'm

gonna give you in the article to do this

very easily

so you can make money like imagine

leaving your job in the next 24 to 48


because you're making three thousand

dollars a month

and listen the great thing about this

site here

if you want to listen to 20 songs a day

they will keep paying you over and over


it's up to you okay so listen they've

been around for a little while here

it's usually for artists and what

happens is you might say well wesley why

would a person

pay me money to do this like i'm just a

regular guy i'm a regular girl right


artists all around the world they're

trying to be the next beyonce and the

next drake

they upload their music here and they're

paying you to basically do a review for

it okay it's called a curator and it's


simple this is so it's powerful here you

have over 90

970 people plus that's already

doing this and what you're gonna do

right now we have over 23 million

play this and so many artists here that

is on this site and this is really for

the person

that like makes like like miss listening

to music here

and if that's what you like to do pay

attention here okay so listen i'm gonna

keep this

very very easy it's gonna be very very

simple to do okay what you need to do

is click on the word that says for

creators here okay

now you're going to click on spotify


creators now listen if you're a tic-tock

person you could do tick-tock too

but if you're not like me i was brand

new i'm a beginner

i listen to music but i'm trying to get


while i'm playing those tracks let's get

it make sense

hey did you smash the like button

because i already did a dance for you so

show me i'm talking to you show me some

love all right look

spotify playlist here okay


this is crazy right so see here they're

gonna pay you 12

this is legit here 12 per

song you just listen to it review it

done you could look imagine doing this

when you wake up

driving in your car sitting on the

toilet taking a dump

and getting paid 12 every single time

you do that

even at your job this is just like some

extra income here while you should be

doing your job you could be listening to

music because you're probably

already doing that right now aren't you

i know you are

listen so and what i love about them is

instant payouts they pay you

every single week depending on the songs

that you listen to

over and over again that's twelve

dollars every single song

and they pay out every single week are

you getting excited right now

smash the like button then if you have a

smile on their face i'm talking to you

put show me some love smash the like

button here

listen because it gets better here now

all you need to do is go down here and

say sign me up

too easy right now this is very

important this is why so many people

fail right here at this moment this is

why so many people get denied listen do

exactly what i do

irregards of the country that you live

in right i want you to do it the way

that i'm going to show you as you can

see here

they cover all over the world but what i

want you to do is do it the way that i

actually do

because i want you to get accepted and

not get denied like a lot of people are

getting denied on the side here does

that make sense so you go down here

united states of america okay i know

united states

canada they all work united kingdom

these other countries they may but just

choose united states and no it doesn't


if you're not in the united states of

america what we're trying to do her

is get approved this makes sense we want

to get

this approved because you don't get

approved just guess what

no money for you no money no honey baby

all right so i want you to get some

dollars here look all right so i'm

scroll down here

no i don't manage any playlist yet yes

you do

just put yes and i get it you might say

wesley i don't have a playlist

don't worry i'm gonna give you a

playlist you don't have to create your

own because i love you so much

see in the comment section below i

noticed that people say wesley i love

you because

one you're crazy two you're just giving

this value for free that's why i

keep smashing the like button because i

want you to create more article that's

why i'm follow to your website now and i

said okay

i appreciate that much love right now


you gotta put yes and here this is where

many people screw up you got to click on

1000 to 10 000. if you click on

zero to one watch this didn't i didn't i

see you you'll be screwed up here so the

thing is we want to do this correctly


all right so let's go back to the

process again and we want to make sure

we don't get denied so you put united

states of america

and listen this article is intended to

show you everything from a to z how to

do it

i promise you i'm with you here all

right click on

yes click on 1000 boom see

you see that now you're in now listen i

want you to hold that screen


stay right here now what i want you to

do is create a free spotify account

as you can see here i already have a

spotify account right here

you need to create one for yourself one

and you need to create a playlist now

let me show you why this is important

why you have to have a thousand

you must have 1 000

people that follow you on spotify and i

know what you're thinking wesley

how do i get a thousand i don't know i

don't know a thousand people

even those people that follow me on

facebook and instagram i don't know

these people they're not gonna follow me

i don't have time listen you don't have

to go to facebook

you don't have to go to instagram you

don't have to go to reddit i need to go

none of that stuff i'm going to show you

just this

easy simple way on how we're going to

work together

and i'm going to make it happen for you

right now are you with me okay great

so what you do is this you're going to

open up a spotify account

you're gonna go to this playlist i'm

gonna put a description of that site

right under this video right here guys i

gotta move to another room because my

power is about to go dead so you're

gonna take this

right here this is a playlist okay and 

want to prove to you you see here

i have over 1400 followers i know what

you're thinking

wesley yeah i love that okay now look


now look look check it out you're still

with me are you still with me smash the

like button guys

all right listen so i have 1400 all you

need is a thousand

okay now this is what we're gonna do

right we're gonna be cool about this

first step is to do this first this is


playlist here okay this is my spotify

you're going to create a playlist two

different ways you're going to use what

i already have here i'm going to put a

description in the link below

right here and create a free playlist

right now based off

my playlist i teach people how to make

millions of dollars

some people um and it's called the

overnight millionaire series it's free

right and it's how i became a

multi-millionaire close to becoming a billionaire here okay

but that's not important what's

important is you need to click those

links and create a playlist now listen

now this is how you get 1400 listen

look at me if me and you work together

if you put your playlist link this is


put your playlist link in the

comment section below i'm going to

follow you and

other people that are watching this

video right now are going to follow you

as well

does that make sense listen teamwork

makes the dream work

it's not fair that certain people get

rich and other people don't

so listen i say you know once i i'm

gonna be honest with you i was broke at

one time Online earning unique ideas free

and now i'm making millions of dollars

and i found a way

using this site for us to work together

so everybody

that comment below smash the like button

if you're willing to follow

everybody in the comment section below

and i will follow you too

this will take about 24 to 48 hours if

we do it right

i'm gonna have over thousands if not

hundreds of thousands of people that

would do this

now listen to ensure that we get more


faster because understand this as soon

as you hit a thousand they're gonna pay

you out okay you're gonna start

listening to someone they're gonna pay

you 12 bucks

every single time that's 120 minimum a

day if you listen

to ten songs a day that takes about 30

minutes so every 30 minutes

that's 120 in your bank account but

listen we have to work together does

that make sense

are you down with that are you cool with

that so all you need to do create a


i left a link below if you need songs or

if you need

uh podcasts or content here you can just

add this to your playlist

you want to comment below say hey guys

follow me here i'll say wes

follow me here everybody listen for this

to work guys

together so you stop searching for

make money online youtube videos and

actually start making a couple of

dollars here this is not meant for you

to be rich

but three to four thousand dollars a

month is nothing to sneeze at by

listening to music

all you have to do is just follow

everybody's link below that's it okay if

we follow everybody i'm gonna follow you

everybody just say hey guys follow me

much love and say hey thank wes

for doing this if everybody using my

channel i have over 400

000 subscribers here there's no way why

we all

can collectively have a thousand people

that follow each other so we can all

make this money at least three to four

thousand dollars

a month is that cool deal now if we want

to really

um expedite the process what i want you

to do as well

share it to your facebook page seriously

it's not for me it's just for everybody

like share this article

on your facebook page because understand

the more people that read the article

and actually like the video and follow

the playlist then the faster you hit

1000 so when you apply

your account will look something like

this let me show you something here

see right here boom i already went

through the steps here

see continue with spotify here they're

going to check your account to make sure

you have a thousand

and then you're gonna see something like

this i've already filled it out so i'm

already connected they're gonna review


and once i review i get a decision and

i'm in does that make sense i have

several accounts by the way

i do this over and over again because i

have people like you that are willing

to click those links below create a

playlist and follow

everybody in the comment section below


put your playlist and say follow

everybody please follow me

much love thanks wes that's all you have

to type

everybody please follow me and i'll

follow you back

and we just go back and forth over and

over again and if you share this to your

facebook pages

right now if you just share this you

have more people that's going to

gravitate to the video

then you'll find yourself not working a

job anymore right

because three thousand dollars a month

how many of you will quit your job if

you're making three thousand dollars a


by listening to music listening to drake

in these songs right

and just reviewing them on a daily basis

takes about 30 to 40 minutes it doesn't

that's it that's 120 a day

like you can make more it's up to yourself

but all you need to do is take the

playlist that you're going to create on

spotify for free

put it in the comment section below

teamwork makes the dream work

and everybody follows everybody okay if

you continue to do this over and over


then you have a thousand you'll get

approved and then you'll thank me

and say wesley you are the mother elf

and man

much love hey guys now listen i got


i want to share with you if anybody

right now would like me to help them to

make a thousand dollars per day

in your sleep and yes it's very possible

to do it and as a matter of fact

i have this girl okay she's a very very

attractive young lady

and when you click that link you're

gonna see her

she's from new york she knew nothing

about the internet just like you

    How to earn money online free

completely clueless she's earning a

hundred thousand dollars

per month and in the link she's going to

show you exactly how she's doing and she

does it in her

sleep warning

it's powerful but it's not for everybody

here's the link right here much love

but listen guys go back put your


in the comment section below this is

wesley billion dollar version much love

let's go later guys