Make Money On Picoworkers Without Doing Tasks 🤑🤑 Make Money Online 2021 Simplified Tutorial

Make Money On Picoworkers Without Doing Tasks 🤑🤑 Make Money Online 2021 Simplified Tutorial
Picoworker,how to earn money with picoworker,make money online

Hello guys hello everyone welcome back
to another make money online article
edition with Digitalearningmethod
okay guys so in today's article i'll be
talking about how we can literally make
more money
more decent money more reasonable amount
of money
from the Picoworkerplatform without
having to carry out any task okay i'm
sure most of you
might have heard about pico workers or
you might have been
on the big workout platform most
especially those of you that are here
for the sake of making money
i'm sure most of you might have been
carrying out one or two tasks
simply to make money on pico workers but
today i'll be showing you a different
with which you can make money on pico
workers without having to do any tasks
at all okay because
if you come over here these stacks dow
here they are not way way encouraging at
all you earn little elements of money
um you what you do what to end you might
find it very very difficult to even
gather up to five to ten dollars within
a month okay so as you can see
uh the earnings are not encouraging so
that's why i want to show you
a different way with which you can earn
money on Picoworkers
without having to do any tasks and what
you start ending
with the method i'm i'm gonna show you
blow your mind because this is a
new strategy that i recently discovered
and i
uh and that was i decided to share it
with you guys so that we all can make
this money together
okay in order to prove to you what i'm
talking about
you and only tooth on pico workers these
earnings are not encouraging at all if
you come over to
the leaders dashboard here you will see
something that'll blow your mind okay
come to think of it the top earner on
the pick worker platform i've earned so
far just 2
300 and have been able to complete
40 905 tasks that's way too much okay
who has time to complete
over 40 000 taxes they're not too much
and some of these stacks do take
30 minutes what um 25 minutes to
complete and
some of these stacks are hectic
sometimes you might even find it
difficult to complete some tasks because
of the numerous
survey process sign-up process running
the apps downloading apps and all of
that since the methods
and the ways of you know making them
carrying out this tax sometimes are so
so healthy and stressful
so that's why i've been able to that's
why i've decided to devise a new means
on how we can start ending money on pico
without having to do any of these task
and without having to go through any of
the sign up process installation of our
process and all of that
okay but before i proceed i would like
to introduce myself my name is still
remains Noman
in case it's your first time here all
you just have to do for me because what
i'm teaching you is free
and it works nationwide and i'm sure
that you can be viewing this arty from
anywhere around the world
and if you want to start making money
for free from all around the world also
all you just have to do for me is to hit
on the follow button and turn on that
beneficial icon so that whenever i drop
a artical on a platform on a make money
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so that the youtube algorithm will know
that this articsl is way too awesome and
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this article out to as many people that
will be needing this make money online
platform and the method i'll be
revealing today in this article
okay and equally drop your comments in
the comment section below if you have
any question or if you have any requests
or if you have anything or any
suggestion you want me to attend to
drop your comments in the comment
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check out my handlers reach reach out to

so uh back to the artical like i said i
want to show you guys
a way with which you can earn money on
the picoworker platform
without having to do any of this that
task okay this is actually my own
uh big workout account
i've actually signed up with peak work
as you guys can see i still have some
some amounts of money in my account okay
but it's little because i haven't been
working that much
and that was why i decided to come up
with a new strategy that
helped us make more awesome amounts of
money on peak workers platform
even faster because you can see here
these are people posting these jobs
i'm sure you uh you know that these guys
posting the jobs
aren't just posting details for free
they spend money posting these jobs and
they make more money okay
uh the reason why they post this job is
because they are making more money at
the other side okay you are the one
doing the dirty work for them you are
the one carrying all the heavy tax for
why they are the other end making this
for good and i want to show you how you
can start doing this thing now you are
not the one doing the task you
you don't have to do any tasks all you
should be all you start doing now
is equally but pest tax the way these
guys are pasting tax and
you can equally earn money the way these
guys are earning money and i want to
show you
a way with which you can start doing that right away okay if you come about
here um take you to a website known as
the cpa lead i have a video on disappear
lead i actually have a article on pico
workers how you can equally carry it as

carrier tasks can make money which i'll
drop those
videos this um link in the article
description below i'll drop their links
the picoworker link and the cpa lead
 how you can sign up for
accounts and everything you need to know
about the cpa lead
website okay so if you come over to cpa
lead you will see that this api
has affiliate program okay if you go
through the video
the cpa lead video that i will be
dropping the url in this article
description below
you will discover that this cpa lead has
an affiliate program
and i want to show you how you can
actually use the cpl
affiliate program to leverage your
earnings or to maximize your earnings
on the pick workers platform just come
with me okay if you come over here
to my own personal account on cpa lea
uh i'll show you some stuff that you
need to know
you come over here all you just have to
do is to scroll down
once you sign up with cple this is
exactly how the dashboard will look like
and all you just have to do is to scroll
down and you will see lots and lots of
offers people who want you to promote
their products edit their websites their
and for them and you get paid okay all
you just have to do is to get people to
sign up
to this website or get people to
download the applications
uh for them and then you get your own
commission okay let me just show you how
it works simple and easy
okay if you come down here let me show
you stuff
okay if you come over here you see this
uh up here this is a mobile app
candy crush saga i'm sure most of you
know this simple mobile app
it's a game uh it's a mobile game okay
let's just click on it

and you will see that they have at least

and you will see that this candy crush

saga actually has an affiliate program

okay you can affiliate for them

and anyway up to 81 cents for just


a referral to start playing

the this game all you just have to do is

to get a referral

to download this game with your referral

link and

play the game for some time okay let's

see the requirements you see only share

with people from this country united


that doesn't really matter only target

the audience device

android okay uh okay that doesn't okay

uh android users okay we'll specify that

later and convert play game for five

minutes okay whoever you are referring

have to play this game for five minutes


you end your 81 cents okay

like i said the person has to install

the game with your url here which we'll

be copying later on

and i will show you how you can use this

url to make more money

on the picoworker platform and equally

the person has to play the game

for five minutes how do we do this let's

go back to

okay return on pico workers if you just

come over here hit on post jobs

on the section of post job you will see

that you have options to post job

internationally if you want anybody from

around the world to carry out this tax

you can literally do that

okay but if you need a targeted audience

you can equally target audience like

at the united states since we were

instructed on the cpa lead platform

that we should get audience only from

the united

states okay if we are referring our

referrals should come from only the

united states

so if you go back to pico workers what

you just have to do is to hit on

usa and western okay

okay once you do that like in the united


okay you come over here apply and go to


okay mobile application is a mobile

application hit on mobile application

okay download install okay 25 minute

squads review and all of that

hit on it it's on this one download plus

install plus 25

words review okay but if you don't want

to do that you can

easily hit on download and install okay


hit on apply go to nest here is where

you ought to impute your

uh job title like i said what job i will


paste in we are pasting the job of

candy crush saga who wants people to

install the candy crush saga

and we will make 81 cents a person who


candy crush saga and played for just

five minutes imagine

getting 2 000 persons to do this and you
 can literally do that with pico workers


so let's go down if you this is a

section where you ought to impute

uh some details which is it's a right an

accurate and specific job type okay we

can simply

click okay let's go back to the job

title okay start playing this tags

and all of that this is candy crush saga

rights candy crush saga i'll come over

back to the pickle workers and

compute the job title something like

uh bundy

crush saga app

install as the title of our job then

we'll come over here

what specific tags need to be completed

and come back to cpa dashboard

copy this link first of all and come

back to the picoworkers

platform step one the specific tags need

to be done

go to let's say go to

this link then we impute our link down


that's the link okay and step two

you can click something like download

and install the app

download and install the app step 3


play the game

for let's say 10 minutes

in order to get paid

okay now i've done this i think that'll

be enough

you can come here and say in the in the

comment section below you can say


i have

comment i have completed the task

okay i think that'll do okay

required proof okay

prove one screenshot

screenshots of you playing game

okay step two yeah that's screenshot


and all of that thing that'll be enough

for proof then you just have to hit on

apply and go to nest okay here

if we're going for 25 people this is

work needed 25 people

starter speed at 1 000 and all of that

workers will end

this is 36 cents okay whoever carry out

this tags will enter the system

and if you go back to spilly dashboard

what you get if you refresh someone

to install this app with your file link

automatically you will get 81 cents so

if you are spending um how much here um

i guess 36 cents which is

we are being paid 81 cents 0.81

minus okay let's say

okay let's say uh 0.36

this 36 minus

zero point two one

automatically we are making i think uh

around 45 cents okay we are still

making 45 cents from this stack so if

you invest

um that six cents you make 45

profit so it does something awesome you

invest 30

cents you make 45 um

cents profit and you can literally do

this over and over again there are lots

and lots of product uh

application some website that you can

actually affiliate for on the cpa lead


and you use uh the pico worker platform

as a means of affiliate but here you

have to spend money okay

this is where you have to spend money

but i assure you you get your money back

in return

and once you do that hit on workers and

all of that apply and submit once you

apply and submit you

click on some basic settings

automatically your job have been tested

and your job will be displayed

on the picoworkers dashboard in the find

job section okay

and you see workers will start coming in

definitely you get work okay because

lots and lots of people are on this big

workout platform looking for jobs and

looking for tags to carry out to

someone who find it simple yeah if i

just install this application into my

mobile phone

i get it running for simply 10 minutes

and then 36 and that's awesome

okay let me prove to it a lot a lot of

people are on this website if you come

over to

the similar web chrome extension which

is an application as

an extension that tells you the number

of trafficking websites do get on

monthly basis if you come over here you

see that even as at

april uh last month uh this year 2021

this website peak workers actually got

at about

1.31 million visitors okay as you can

see there are massive visitors visiting

this website on on a monthly basis so this is your own chance to start


your income from

with the cpa lead platform okay so

that's how it is very simple

you get this link here after signing up

with cpa lead

come to post it as a job

with the affiliate link

once someone click on the link carry out

the task

yeah you pay them here but you and mo

over here that's how the thing just

worked that's how the whole thing works

get a affiliate link here paste it as a

job here

then spend money on it here promote it


get people to do it to do the task and

earn more money

on cpa lead platform that's how we just

work very simple and easy

okay guys do not forget i think this if

you haven't followd yet just hit the

follow button if you haven't
commented yet drop your comments


your experience or regarding your

complaint and i'll attend to them as

fast as possible do not forget

my name still remains moman if

you haven't follow yet please hit

that subscribe button and turn on the

verification icon because more videos

a year to come and make money online

videos a year to come and they come

mostly on a daily basis okay