How To Make Money With Google News From Home 2021
hey what is up you guys it's sunny here
how are you doing today i'm great and i
hope you're fine too
so in today's Artical i'm going to be
showing you how to make money with
google news
so this is going to be an interesting
artical because i'm going to be showing
you step by step on how to do this
and i'm going to guide you through the
whole thing so it's going to be really
useful and it's an effective way to make
money online so even if you are a
and if you're just like new to making
money online and stuff this is going to
be an easy way
but it does take some effort to make
money with it so if you're watching me
for the first time welcome to my website
i'm all about
entrepreneurship how to start an online
business and how to make money online
so if you are interested that kind of
stuff smash the follow button below
and subscribe to my channel
and if you guys are planning to start an
online business with affiliate marketing
and youtube
then check out the first link below in
the description to learn more so now
without further ado
let's jump into today's video so now i'm
on google guys
and what i'm going to do now is i'm
going to type in
celebrity news okay so no
after you go on to google there's this
section called news so you want to click
on that
so after you click on that there'll be
like tons of news coming up which is
updated like 15 hours ago
one hour ago eight hours ago look at
this three hours ago
two days ago so they'll be like
constantly be updated on this particular
where it says news so what you can do is
like whichever sounds interesting
uh whichever is like according to your
regions you can even like pick up news
hollywood or bollywood or anything
related to celebrities
so this is just as an example i'm
showing you guys okay so google news is
where you can find news uh like related
to different stuff so it can be about
celebrity or it can be like the
trending topic or it can be about the
day-to-day news what's happening around
the world so anything that you want you
can find in this particular section
called news
and you will find loads of content and
these are all like articles
of whatever the news is coming out so
you can just open up each of these
things and you can find
information that you can refer from so
now this
is the idea that you're going to be
using you're going to be using google
news so you don't have to
basically come up with stuff uh whether
it's the right content that you're
putting up or whatever because it's
already going to be here
you're just going to refer uh these news
to create something of your own
so if you just watch the whole artical
you'll understand it's step by step and
there are like some important things
that i need to tell you so make sure you
don't skip the whole thing so now i want
to show you like how much you will be
able to make with this type of content
that i'm going to be showing you like
news related content okay so from google
how much you'll be able to make so take
a look at this particular
earning proof so this is about one point
six thousand dollars to
twenty five thousand dollars uh you will
be able to make
with this type of news guys okay so now
how are you going to make money with
so now i want you to take a look at this
particular youtube channel
it's called smoky evening so there are
like loads of other channels as well
which are related to this
so this particular channel what they do
is they just put up stuff about
celebrities okay so the gossips or
whatever movie it's releasing about them
or anything like that okay so whatever
is about
celebrities they will just put up
in their particular channel and look at
all the videos about like three minutes
four minutes it's all like short videos
look at this two minutes so all they
basically do
is that they just take images from all
of these
news articles like this they just
compile it together
and they just give a voice over to it
it'll be better that you give your own
voice to it so these are the important
things that i want to tell you guys
because i
after i show you the whole process of
how this method works i'll give you some
details on how to use this properly
and how not get a copyright thing and
everything guys i'm going to tell you
all that so now
i just want to play one of the videos
and uh let me tell you
how they do it okay so let me just open
this particular one so as you can see
they have given a voice over
and these are just images what they just
took it from some articles or they just
took it from google okay
so these are some of the pictures and
they have like added some wordings at
the bottom okay so
that's basically it and they're just
given a voiceover look at that the whole
thing the whole video is just like
compilation of pictures
and they got a background music playing
in the background and they're just
talking okay
so that's basically what they're doing
and they have about look at this 1.3
million subscribers guys so i'm not
saying that it's going to be completely
it is going to take some time and it is
going to take some effort but it is
something that you can do okay so as a
beginner you can do this
even if you have no experience with
youtube or talking in front of the
camera because you don't have to
basically show your face for this
so it's it's very very easy that you can
do this so and
if you just scroll down they would have
just mentioned of all the points they included in the video and also they
would have mentioned where they're
taking the news from look at this for
more bollywood news you can go on to
and also they added all this copyright
look at this under section or 107
of copyright act allowance is made for
fair use for the purpose of such as
so these videos come under fair use
because they are giving the voice to it
they are using only limited content from
other people's
uh pictures and everything because all
these celebrity pictures
you need to be careful with taking all
of this pictures
so you can even get into celebrity thing
or you can get into the trending news
okay like day-to-day news you can just
put up stuff about that
because it's come under fair use such as
criticism comment
news reporting teaching scholarship and
research so because it comes under all
of that
it comes under fair use okay so you
won't get a copyright stack if you just
use it fairly okay look at this
fair use is a use uh permitted by
copyright status
that might otherwise be infringing
non-profit educational or personal use
balance in favor of fair use so they
uh added this copyright disclaimer at
the bottom of each of the video in the
description so
you to need to do that when you create a
channel like this when you put up videos
like this okay
and the more you edit uh more you add
more things to it
there's less risk of getting a copyright
strike okay so
you need to edit it a bit you need to
make it it's your own video okay so you
need to add your own
voice to it so this particular person is
your own voice okay so you do need to
add your own voice to it
if you can't talk let's say your friend
is there and he can talk well
you can do that as well just type in
indian celebrity news meet the richest
ball with celebrities
uh with the net worth of look at all
this so you can just
take content from here there's a chrome
extension look at this
a full page screen capture so you can
just install it
that extension will get added here on
top so whenever you just see some
article or whatever you can just take a
screenshot of it
and you can just crop it out and add it
to uh the video that you're putting up
okay so you can do that
now or what you can do is there's also
another way of compiling all this video
together so let's say that
you are not comfortable with editing a
video you don't know how to edit stuff
so what you can do is you can even do it
with google slide and you can just
record it at a stretch
so with each of the slides in each slide
what you can do is
you can animate images you can animate
wordings to it
and also you can add a sound track to it
so if you want you can do it that way
or you can edit it with like lots of
free softwares there are lots of
free editing software like darwin seeing
there's a shortcut you can use that to
edit videos like this
you can even do it with your phone as
well if you just have your phone
and for audios you can go on to your
youtube or your library
and you can download music from here
according to the video
you can just download audios from here
so if it's
if you want like an upbeat music you can
just download it from here if you want
like a sad tune to it
you can add you can just take music from
here so let's say how
frequent they are uploading the video
let's go on to the channel
so look at this they're just putting a
video every day
twice because each video is like two
minutes or three minutes you know
so look at this every day they're
uploading two two videos and that's how
they're able to grow so fast
let's just sort it by the oldest video
and let's see
when last day upload when is the first
video that they uploaded
oh my god it's just one year guys just
in one year
uh a lot of growth like this that's
really an interesting topic that people
are interested in you know that's a
really important thing to note because
people are really interested in this i
suppose with celebrities and stuff so
that's why it's
uh very very uh trending like this and
that's why they grow so fast
and this is something and also the
content that you're putting up
make sure that it is all uh legit
information you don't want to be putting
up any wrong information
on on the internet you don't want to
like spread
wrong information as make sure like
double check it always before putting up
any content
on youtube about any celebrity or
uh for that sake okay so that's how you
news from google news and then you just
compile a video together and
create videos like this like for few
and then just upload it guys and you can
money like this okay like one thousand
dollars to twenty five thousand dollars
each month alone okay and this is the
revenue that they are making with this
particular channel and that's how cool
it is
you need to be careful when you're
taking content from the internet so
you need to use it properly you need to
edit it out you make it
uh more like your video by adding lots
of your content to it
like adding your own voice over adding
pictures adding effects to those
and the other thing is so if you're
taking news from something make sure you
just don't take content from one website
even though it's a bit easy there is
certain risk and you need to
know about that and that's why i'm
telling you this guys but still people
are doing this as you can see here
uh they are not getting a copyright
strike they are doing it
and they are doing it successfully they
got like 1 million subscribers and stuff
and there are lots of channels uh that
are related to the same topic
so when they can do it you two can do it
so you need to read
you need to go through their channel
read their description what website they
are using and what are the disclaimers
they are adding
all that you need to go through guys i
can just give you ideas of how to create
a channel
a easy channel and make money with it
but your part is to
research about it and go ahead and start
it and make money with it
so i hope you enjoyed this video i hope
you got some value of this
if you did comment below saying that you
did and also if you have any questions
doubts or suggestions leave that in the
comment section and i will get back tools
as soon as possible and if you haven't
subscribed yet consider subscribing guys
and like i said earlier
if you want to start your online
business with affiliate marketing and
then check out the first link below in
the description to learn more about it
so thanks for reading guys i love you
and i'll see you in my next artical