How To Make $300/Day On Youtube With ASMR Channels

How To Make $300/Day On Youtube With ASMR Channels
Asmr,asmr stand for,asmr youtube,asmr releasing,youtube asmr


honestly youtube asmr is one of the

easiest ways that you can make money on
youtube without really doing much
work at all look at this channel making
up to sixty thousand dollars a month
this channel is making up to three
hundred thousand dollars each and every
and this other channel you cannot
believe this is making up to two million
dollars each and every month
500 million views each and every day
just doing
asmr videos so if you want to make 300
per day or more on youtube making it an
asmr channel this is the perfect artical
to read for you i'm going to show you
three different categories kind of that
you can place asmr into
i'm also going to show you three
different ways that you can monetize
this without
just adsense and make way more money and
third i'm going to show you how to make
a successful studio and actually buy the
correct equipment
to start a perfect asmr youtube channel
so hopefully you can make some of that
asmr money
that whispering money that tingling
but before that my name is Noman fell i'm
the norwegian
no bs youtube coach and you should
follow to this channel and take
notification bell
to join the take off tribe because if
you don't
we'll never fly a balloon into an
electric pole and get electrocuted
together and you always talk about how
much you want to do that so make sure
you slap
the follow and smash the like button
get ready for your body to tingle so
there's three different categories and

the first one is
sleeping and tingling sensation kind of
as me
the second one is like story time asmr
and the third one
is like eating food asmr and we're gonna
look at all of them
right now so you can look at this
channel called nomi asmr
and he's getting about a hundred
thousand views every single day and from
adsense he's making up to
like 60 000 per month you can see that
these have sort of longer duration
but what he does is basically has a
squishy he has like a flask or something
that he
taps on and i would categorize this as
one of the easier asmr channels to make
as long as you have the gear so if you
just go and look at this article
right here
essentially he has an intro where he
into your ears
and as you can see then he goes into
like a roller where he has this roller
thing that he rolls over
and then you go into liquid sounds
and of course crinkly and scratchy
whoa that's tingling dude don't forget
box tapping
it's tickling my personal favorite
gloves with plastic
and then mix scratching with some
oh man honestly makes me feel kind of
so this is kind of the sleeping
relaxation tingling
thing that also this girl here as well
asmr bakery and she's making up to a
hundred thousand dollars
per month in adsense alone and i'm going
to show you how to monetize this with
even more
as we go along here we can see here
brain numbing triggers
scratching delicate trigger liquids and
stuff like that
but i just imagine this being a
profession that we did like 10
000 years ago just imagine a guy coming
back from a hunt

hey baby we're home we managed to kill
like two big mammoths
so we got food for a couple of months uh
what did you do
hey honey how are you no i haven't
really been doing that much but our kid
started stressing out so i started
going really close to his ear and then
just doing this
hey what the [ __ ] he's tingling yep he
tingles and then falls asleep
you want me to try on you oh yeah that's
the spot
so you can see that this is really easy
to do uh once you have the equipment to
do it you can just
try a lot of different sounds with the
equipment you have i'm gonna show you
the equipment that you can use later on
and the one that has taken this to the
extreme is this guy asmr
zeitgeist and he's making up to 150 000
a month getting about 300 000 views
every single day
and what he's doing is having all these
crazy lights and he's really been
stepping up the
production quality of his actual channel
you can see this one for example just
need to take out my headphones again
he's literally wearing a formula one
driving outfit
and he's talking to the weirdest sex toy
doll that i've ever seen
i am ready to feel the pleasure beside
give me the new tingles please and then
he does
look at this
[ __ ]
oh my ears you know what that is
next level so now i showed you the
sensation the relaxation kind of thing
now let's move over to asmr story time
story time this is one of the channels
called gibby asmr and she's making
up to like 300 000 a month 800
700 000 views every day and you can see
what she does is basically having like
a role playing or she can dress up in
different costumes and
using the wrong props to do our makeup
english vocab after school kind of
relaxing story time that she
whispers into your ears another story
time asmr guy is called ephemeral
rift and as you can see dr catulu's
checkup asmr is like heavily on to
role play for as far as i know you can
see even this relaxed with a union
soldier and he has all these stories and
role-playing things that he comes up
that he's whispering just imagine
meeting a guy that's addicted to asmr
and you're like hey you want me to tell
you a story yeah sure i'd love to hear
your story but
only if you whisper what you know just
normal just whisper your story
huh i wonder if they have asmr parties
literally all they do is whisper to each
other on to the last
category which is eating asmr
this channel right here sas asmr 8.8
million subscribers
she's getting up to four hundred
thousand dollars per month a million
views every single day
and what she does is basically eat
spicy salmon sushi platter strawberry pancakes
but she's basically just showing her
mouth eating it
and that's just one channel this is on
the other channel that's called honey
4.7 million subscribers she's making up
to 760
000 per month almost 2 million views
every single
day on this channel and you can see that
thumbnails oh my god these thumbnails
are crazy
builds the entire screen this entices me
to want to click
one of those and it's probably why she's
grown a lot i always tell you guys
to really focus in on thumbnails and you
can really learn from this girl right
also if this video gets 2 000 likes i'm
gonna do asmr
on this channel so make sure you like
the video slap the subscribe button
and if you want to start a youtube
channel like this you need to stick to
the end to learn
the most amazing tips that you can get
also makes me happy because
it tells me that you like the video you
value the content you want more of this
[ __ ]
now what of the videos which video
should we watch
purple food jelly donut jesus christ
4.7 million views this
is what people are watching guys yep so
no tingles yet
i'm just waiting for it the suspense is
just killing me
it's like she is putting all of it on
the table
making it all look good and i cannot
wait to get the goddamn
tingles dude put some tiny balls on that
spoon and eat it
how to do asmr step 13 put some tiny
balls on that spoon and eat it
another guy and also one of the only
guys in this asmr channel
is actually sac choi uh asmr he's
up to like 700 000 in monthly earnings
adsense only and he's making about 1.6
million views every single day and he's
kind of one of the only
guys in this space or not the only but
the biggest
by far and then there's a lot of girls
on this
niche but you can see once again is more
of this eating
and he's eating more like
asian type of food and as you might
realize asmr
and mukbang is really really big in asia
so it's more of this eating
then i'm gonna show you the channel that
gets the most amount of views
and that is jane asmr she's getting
up to 2.3 million dollars per month 5
million views every single day on her
youtube channel over 194 million views
the last 30 days
that's absolutely incredible and you can
that she doesn't show her face
she only shows her mouth eating stuff
she is posting a video every single day
and getting a million views each and
every single video she does
so if you would love to do this type of
there's a couple of things that you need
to do first of all get a
asmr microphone right here i have the
highest rated
asmr microphone it is a yeti
a blue yeti you can see this microphone
right here it's about
a hundred and thirty dollars but it's
not really gonna sound good if you
don't do what i'm gonna show you uh next
but i just wanna show you this one as
this is like the second top rated asmr
and this has ears on it so it's very
easy to go from left ear to right ear
and you can actually use it in the video
as well to make the audience feel
more connected with the the actual audio
this is a 400 microphone this is what i
would get if i were to make a asmr
but the second tip that you need to do
sound proof your studio so the audio
you're hearing right now is from a blue
yeti but the reason it doesn't sound
that good here is because i have this
big room
with a lot of echo i i'm living in
greece so i have all these cars drive by
and just listen to what happens if i
were to turn all of it off
in my filter right here you probably
hear a lot of
noise going on in the background now and
if i don't say anything
the crickling and the tapping probably
doesn't sound that good
so you need a microphone you need to
sound proof your room and not make it
echoey like this
and then you obviously need a camera to film all of it but
that's pretty simple and what about how
can you make the most amount of money
off of this youtube channel well there's
three different ways that i found that
they monetize these channels
and the first one is actually patreon so
you remember the soldier guy that's
telling a lot of stories
he's a perfect example of somebody that
should have a patreon
and you can see that he has about 450
patrons right here
that is either paying one dollar per
month all the way up to 25 dollars 
month so let's just imagine it's all
three dollars a month
that's about an extra 1 300 each and
every month that he gets through patreon
the second way to monetize is sponsors
and you might remember this gibby
asmr just a little bit more of a story
ime role-playing
kind of asmr channel you can see that
this is
called sponsored saturday which is
literally has a sponsor by
audible you can get a special deal or
just by being in her audience the third
way to monetize is actually to do
merge and gibby actually does that asmr
well as many other asmr channels does
and they have a merch chop right here
you can see
very simple logo and on a shirt
that she doesn't even make herself it
just has like a
teespring it's the perfect example that
they just make these cups for you these
and stuff like that and then we have the
fourth method and that is of course
affiliate marketing so you see this guy
one of the most popular asmr guys he has
affiliate links to amazon for all of his
personally i would probably find a
meditation course
to help people that want to sleep and
stuff like that that would be more on
the sleeping tingling feeling kind of
and i would have either a patreon or a
members only
kind of exclusive content that you only
if you're a part of that now if you want
to start a channel like this i have a
bonus bonus bonus if you want to make an
channel from scratch it's not going t
be easy because there's a lot of
competition but we want to find
those really low competition high search
you know keywords that we can make our
videos about so i went into
neil patel's uber suggest and i justly
searched for asmr right here
you can see on the right side you can
see the seo
difficulty so that's gonna mean how many
people are making content around this
how hard is it to rank this is basically
for google it's not for youtube
but we can get a general idea of what is
actually most competitive here
you can see that asmr stand for what
this asmr stand for is
a 15. you can see that gentle whispering
is a keyword that has a 16
so that's a little bit easier if we go a
little bit more down you can see that we
find this keyword
mouth sounds so that has a 14 which is a
low competition right here and also
you have no talking so people really
want to get no talking and
whispers red you obviously have to Get
more in detail to figure out what people
we can see that the competitions are
fairly low right here making videos
about these topics are one of the best
ways to
really kind of hone in on your specific
niche and once you've destroyed and
that niche you can start moving out to
audiences but it all starts with not
being general but being specific
in the beginning the second extra bonus
is that you can make
videos about trending topics so this is
a perfect example
asmr mac uk she made a video two months
about black lives matter where she was
eating stuff
while talking about different things
going on with the black lives matter so
do some keyword research and try some
trending topics to see how it's gonna
be now if you're gonna make an asmr
youtube channel do you want
to do it all by yourself all alone or do
you want somebody that has
done this with multiple youtube channel
also coached a ton of other youtubers
to make more money help you alongside
the journey with you
well if you do i do have a coaching
program that's called to
take off 2.0 that just launched and the
second thing is that i do have a
free one hour youtube master class

to teach you a little bit more ins and
outs of how to grow monetize and
a completely new youtube channel so
check that out in the description down
below but if you want more information

i highly recommend you check out this
video right here tap the screen right
now or go in the description down belo
and i'll see you next article

Thanks And Start The Channel 😃😃