4 High Paying Part Time Jobs
In this artical I covered the best 4 in-demand and high-paying part-time online jobs you can do from home in 2021 which can pay you $30-50 per hour or more!
There might come a time in your life when your income from your full-time job
just cannot cover enough anymore you might also feel unhappy or insecure
with your day job so maybe you're looking for a part-time
job or a side hustle that could replace your current income source in the nea
future and well you might be taking care of your kids and your family and not
willing to work the regular nine-to-five jobs if you're looking for side hassles
that can provide you flexibility and are minimal in stress then you might want to
consider choosing online part-time jobs for the jobs I will cover in this article
you don't need to take a new masters degree all you need is a high-speed
internet connection hi I'm Noman of Digitalearningmethod
and on this channel I share my tips about online business and online
marketing if that's what you want to learn about subscribe and hit the bell
button to get notified about my new artical now let me start by saying I will
not talk about stuff like taking surveys working in call centers and other
similar online jobs that aren't really improving your financial situation in
the long run I will be only talking about the highest paying part-time
online jobs that will allow you to make from thirty to fifty dollars per hour..
(1) Graphics Designer:
the first online job is graphic designer graphic designers especially skilled
ones will always be in demand because as more and more businesses go online they
need to effectively visually track their clients if they want to be noticed this
includes having their own unique logo animations illustrations and other
visual graphics the same goes to all the graphics for social media channels that
businesses used to reach their customers online graphic designer
also has a very important role in every company bit on online or an offline
company as they also help with advertising marketing and web design of
the businesses if you want to start as a graphic designer
you should first bill your design portfolio of course
and after that you can easily apply to online companies be it a big company or
a small company if you look at app work for example you will find that
experienced graphic designers charge an average from thirty to fifty dollars per
hour for services that include design of a company logo or brand identity design
I can give you an even more specific idea actually last week I talks about it
in more detail in my artical about how you can make money on fiver I will give
you a link to that artical in the top right corner and in the description
below this article by the way as a graphic designer
you could even specify that you work with clients for fiver only since
it's a visual platform and everyone who wants to get traffic from Pinterest
needs to consistently create new pin images and video pins I mentioned in
that video from last week some of the prices that companies specializing on
Pinterest marketing charge their clients and the prices are around $20 for one
original pin image and up to $50 for just one video pin I'm not saying you
will easily land clients for these prices but you can have an idea where
your competition might be charging and create your price list with that in mind
(2) Blogging And Informational Websites
the second part-time job is blogging or running an informational website
this was my part-time job which I started while still working at my
nine-to-five stressful job about three years ago and eventually it brought me
to where I am now working from home full-time being my own boss and making
consistently over twenty thousand dollars a month with my business these
are the numbers which I could never ever make with my day job no matter how well
and how fast my career would develop if you're interested in learning more about
how I make this kind of income I will give you a link to my other video where
I shared a detailed income report and showed you how I made twenty five
thousand dollars in one month I'll give you a link in the top right corner and
in the description below this article initially my blog was really just a side
hustle and if you go through the older posts on my blog
you will find some of my first income reports where I shared how I was earning
way below $1,000 a month from my blog in the first year as a beginner but even
that was a huge additional income source for my family at the time and I
literally have just about one hour a day to work on my blog on weekdays and about
4 hours on weekends it was a true part-time job but here you go I really
really wanted to make it work and by the end of the first year blogging I took
the risk and quit my day job I never looked back and not even once for a
second I regretted this decision moreover when my blogging business was
about 2 years old my husband also left his day job to help me in this online
journey and he actually by now already has his own YouTube channel and his own
online projects that bring us additional income he's using his professional
skills in 3d graphics and keeps learning new technologies the same as I keep
learning every day new online tools new marketing strategies new ways of
monetizing my website we both find this way of working at home so exciting and
liberating our creative potentials we don't have to follow anyone's orders we
decide what we enjoy doing and when you work for yourself knowing the sky's the
limit to what can be achieved you don't notice how you work 10 or even 12 hour
working day flies by it's never enough time in a day for us the beauty of
starting an informational website or you could call it a blog if you wish well
for me it's essentially the same thing the beauty of it is that almost everyone
can afford it nowadays it can cost you just 295 dollars a month to run a
self-hosted WordPress site and I'll give you a link to this special time limited
offer from the hosting provider I used when I just started my blog check out
the link in the description below this artical I have quite a lot of artical on my
channel sharing my tips for beginner bloggers for example I talked about the
most profitable blogging niches and which monetization strategies work
the best in different niches I will pick the most helpful tutorials and will give
you the links to them in the description..
(3) Online Marketing:
the next high-paying part-time job is online marketing consultant almost
everything is digital nowadays and no wonder why buying things online or even
ordering food online is definitely more convenient for for us consumers and
because of this digital marketing jobs are in high demand most business owners
have too much to deal with so they want professionals in online marketing
platforms to help them either with consultancy or maybe with managing their
online presence on a daily basis this may include social media management
online marketing campaigns online brand awareness and many more areas of
expertise in most cases businesses will be looking for a specialist in one
particular platform for example a lot of people are reaching out to me for
Pinterest marketing coaching sessions that's my area of expertise I've learned
it while working on growing Pinterest traffic to my own website and later I
started working with clients I don't take clients for Pinterest management
services anymore but as an external consultant I still do many consultations
each month and this takes just a part of my working hours so it's my part-time
job so if you're working as an online marketing specialist at your day job be
it Facebook ad specialist content marketing strategy or sales funnel
management you can also do consultations on an hourly rate and believe me here
you can charge way above $50 an hour because business owners see it as an
investment in the potential income growth for them so they understand the
value of your time as an expert it's not just the hour that you actually spend on
the coaching call with your clients it's all the hours and maybe years of
experience that you gained in the field and that they get in an extremely
concentrated format the next part-time job you could do from home is online
course creator you probably know that I sell
my Pinterest SEO traffic secrets online course and believe me creating this
course was the second best decision I've taken after quitting my big job what I
love about creating courses is that it allows you to scale your impact in the
industry instead of working with clients one-on-one and managing their accounts I
was able to help so many more people understand the power of Pinterest
marketing for their growth I took all my experience and knowledge and put it into
an online digital product now I want you to understand that selling courses is
not an entirely passive income stream as some people out there are trying to
present it you cannot just record your video lessons once and then sell it on
autopilot because people who enroll in your course will always have some
questions and will need some support along the way but you can set the
boundaries you can decide how you will provide the support and for example in
my program will have a student only a Facebook group where I personally reply
to all the questions at least once a day what you can teach in your online course
really depends on your previous life experience what you know how to do and
what you can share with others you will be surprised how many things people are
looking for to learn online I recently received an email from one of my youtube
followers who shared with me that the only thing that stopped her from
starting a blog was that she had no idea how she would manage her taxes as an
independent business owner she asked me to recommend her a course on this exact
topic how to manage my taxes I couldn't recommend anything because well I don't
even know what is her country of residence and taxes and laws are
different in every country but isn't it amazing that people are looking for
courses even on such a narrow area of knowledge and if you are an accountant
helping small businesses with taxes in your country feel free to grab this idea
today and start building your online course and the next part-time job is..
(4) YouTube Creator:
YouTube creator it would be surprising if in this YouTube video I didn't
mention that YouTube can be a great part-time job for you right since we met
here on YouTube you probably know that youtubers can make money at least in two
different ways one is the ad money paid by YouTube platform its creators share
for the advertising that YouTube runs before and sometimes inside the videos
this way you can make some money how much will really depend on your
niche and the type of YouTube content that you create for channel I can only
give you an example of my channel and I currently have a little over 28,000
subscribers and my channel made over $1600 with YouTube ads only in the last
month this is not the biggest channel I'm still considered a micro influencer
but if you think about it I make on average one video a week it may take
several hours to create a 10 minute video but YouTube ads is just one of the
ways you can monetize your channel and the second way is by doing sponsorer
videos this is getting really interesting here because with about 28
thousand subscribers I can easily charge advertisers about $1200 per sponsored
video like I said the video production can take several hours even up to a day
but imagine you have a full eight-hour working day on one video that pays you
$1200 it means that you are getting paid about a hundred and fifty dollars per
hour not bad for a part-time job right if this idea about starting a YouTube
channel sounds attractive then my YouTube line checklist will really help
you get started on the right track I will give you the link to this checklist
in the top right corner and in the description below this article and you can
download it for free this where the five part-time online jobs which I personally
find really interesting and of course this list could be much longer but I
believe on this channel you want to hear what is my take on things otherwise you
could just read some long article on the random blog with a huge list of
part-time jobs right and to wrap this up I want to tell you that having at least
one part-time job in can be the best way to secure your
financial situation in these times of uncertainty the fact that you can do
this jobs from the comfort of your home also gives you a healthier work-life
balance these are just some of the many online jobs you can find out there so if
you have any suggestions of part-time online jobs that are in demand then feel
free to share it with us in the comments below this video before you leave this
page I picked for you videos that will be perfectly complementary to what I
shared with you today and you can check them out here and there and I'll see you
in the next article
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